Sunday 15 May 2011

Reaching a plateau

Salam all bride-to-bes!

I feel like I've been on hiatus with the wedding preparations as of late but when I look back on my past posts, that hasn't been the case, has it? I guess the proper term for it is 'reaching a plateau' maybe? Everything else just seems like a waiting game at the moment - waiting for the invitations, waiting for dates to come and the list just goes on...

But anyhoos! Today the other half and I went to do some more preparations for the big day. :D

First up, I had another make-up trial session with a new MUA in the afternoon. Quite liked this one compared to the first MUA trial that I had - the make-up was shades lighter and natural-looking. Most importantly, I felt more confident bringing it around but I still have a thing with the eye make-up. :S Antah ah, I don't quite know how to explain it but it just makes me look older?? Maybe it's my eyebrows kali. Balum be-usai. Or maybe my face is just too dry?? I don't knowwwww. Mama says that it looks good in the photos but I don't think I can put that up as a deciding factor. Ndakn dlm gmbr sja lawa kn??

Either way, I think with regards to my make-up for the other events, the decision is still up in the open. Gonna try out for more make-up trials while I can!

Later on, we made a visit to Ruzz Enterprise (Batu Bersurat). The other half had to book some gangsas for the engagement so we decided to drop by there. I've been wanting to have a look at this place for aaaaaaagess but just didn't get the chance and now I'm thankful that I did. I absolutely loooooove their gangsa decos there! Lawaaa berabis!! They charge at a price of $25 per gangsa (which is relatively standard) if anybody is interested. ;)

I also had a look at their pelamin collection album and these too, were gorgeoussss. I have this thing for ceiling decorations (I'm not quite sure what they're called) and they had a lot of those. Might actually consider these guys for my bersanding nanti. :D

Till next time!

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