Wednesday 4 May 2011

What happened today?


So what happened today?

I attended my first kursus pra-nikah!

I think it was an eye-opening experience - there were some things that were of general knowledge and kinda expected to come in a marriage, and yet there were others that I've never heard anybody mention before. For instance, did you know that it is not permissible for the husband to relate his wife's physical features to that of his children, his mother or anybody who is considered his mahram? For instance, 'belakang syg ani mcm belakang babu usulnya'. Apparently if he does that, whether jokingly or not, the husband will have to pay a kaffarah zihar of three choices - 1) puasa dua bulan berturut-turut, 2) mengabdikan hamba, 3) memberi makanan kepada 60 org fakir miskin. It is also considered haram for the husband to consummate with the wife during the period of time that he hasn't paid the kaffarah. At least this is what I've noted down during the taklimat. Kalau ada salah silap, sila tegur yeeee~

Thennnnnn, I received my second invitation draft in my e-mail!

Weeheeee!! Love, love, loved it! I've decided that it will be the finalised draft and am hoping to get it printed soon to be delivered by end of June. Excitiinggg~! The above picture is not a sample of how my invitation card will look like by the way. I'm keeping it a secret until they're ready to be distributed. ;) But it will have the same colour as shown in the beanie picture below:

Heee. And lastly, went to accompany the other half to seal the deal with his photographer. Really, really happy with this :D

Yep, we picked Flo for his photographer. :) Awesome photographer, great personality. Can't wait to work with him! He has cute kids too, lol.

As for me, I realised that I've never actually mentioned who my photographer was before. He's one of those low-profile photographers, the kind you'll only hear of by word of mouth but his work is, like I said before, amazinnnggg. Name is Chee and his work can be seen on the link I've added on the navigation bar on the right. I've booked him for all my events :D

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