Sunday 3 April 2011

Wedding themes

Salam all~ And a happy sunday to everyone!

Today I've decided that I'll be talking about wedding themes - something, which, I have to be honest, is not exactly in my area of expertise. I've always thought that choosing colours for a wedding would be easy. I mean, how hard could it be right? Just pick any colour from the available colours, put them in all your wedding decorations and baju, and we're done, set. Well... I could never have been more wrong!

Just earlier today, I went to a relative's wedding and being the bride-to-be that I am, I decided that this would be a great opportunity to scout for possible wedding colours. Her theme was silver and grey, with a touch of white here and there. The pelamin was gorgeous (in fact, I think I have a rough idea where she could have rented it from, hehe) and her dress was extravagantly beautiful - it was a beautiful grey songket kebaya which has been extended to look a little bit like a long dress, and I thought, 'Hey that's a new idea. Never seen this before.' Unfortunately, the elders that were sitting around me didn't quite like the arrangement. One nini quipped, 'Cuba tah tarang-tarang sikit warna baju pengantinnya ani. Cuba tah warna kuning kah, merah kah, hijau kah. Ani, nda lawa! '. My mum was also quick to add, 'Awu, nda nampak seri wajahnya pakai baju atu. Nda plang nampak mcm pengantin.'. And that got me panicked just a liiiiitttle bit. No, actually, that got me panicking a lot! I don't want to look dull with no seri wajah on my face on my wedding day! Nope nope. So out of curiosity, I started googling for wedding themes on the internet and apparently this year's themes are as follows:

White and blue

I absolutely love this arrangement!! I think it's very contemporary, modern and yet elegant at the same time. Best of all, the family can just wear different shades of blues - no problem when it comes to colours yg sesuai utk org tua-tua sahaja. :D

Shades of brown and green

This one is more earthy in tone and colour. Wouldn't mind having it as a theme if I planned on having a garden wedding. But this is Brunei and having a garden wedding would be a bit too.. err.. hot! Hehe.

Ivory, cream, yellow and hints of green

This is probably something that I will realistically adopt. I think it has a very calming effect and better still, my baju pengantin can be either a golden cream songket or green songket. Now, the org tuas can't possibly disagree to that, right? ;)

Pink and green

This one's prettyyy and a nice collaboration of colours too. Reminds me of a garden wedding more than anything else actually.

Pink and gold

This one is absolutely gorgeous!! And I think my favourite so far. Ever since I started planning my wedding, I've always had this idea of putting in shades of pink in it. There's just something very wedding-sy about the colour pink, maybe its the colours, maybe its just me being very girly but I absolutely love love love this one. Might try to adapt it if I can't find any other suitable colours. This is excitinggg!!

Till then,

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